Friday, July 09, 2004

Oops, Bush's crucial military records were destroyed 

How convenient! It only took the Pentagon four years to come up with this tale, claiming George W.'s crucial Texas Air National Guard payroll records were destroyed, allegedly with those of “numerous other service members,” during an operation “to salvage deteriorating microfilm.”

"Destroyed" in 1996 and 1997, yet. Even more convenient, considering he obtained a new Texas driver's license in 1995. A tidying up operation in preparation for a run for the White House?

In a letter signed by C. Y. Talbott, chief of the Pentagon's Freedom of Information Office, that accompanied a CD-ROM of Bush's records that had already been released, Talbott said, “Searches for backup paper copies of the missing records were unsuccessful.” Some 60 pages of Bush's medical files and other records were also withheld on privacy grounds.

How interesting that the records “destroyed” were only for the first quarter of 1969 and the third quarter of 1972. The question of whether Bush was paid for these quarters, which would prove whether he fulfilled his obligation or deserted, could be cleared up from his income tax returns for 1969 and 1972. Yes, people in the military have to file tax returns. It's doubtful that the dog that ate the microfilm is still around.

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