Sunday, August 10, 2003

Playing the terrorism card 

The advocates of implanting radio frequency identification (RFID) chips in consumer products have come up with a new twist to force them on a reluctant public: get the Department of Homeland Security to mandate their use as "antiterrorism technology," according to Wired News.

Wire reported, " With Ridge's approval for RFID, the food and drug companies and retailers hope to win over a wary public. They also may get legal protection under the Safety Act of 2002 -- a tort-reform law that offers blanket lawsuit protections to makers of antiterrorism devices, should those devices fail during a terrorist attack."

The Auto-ID Center, an industry consortium, is hoping to recruit Sens. John McCain and Patrick Leahy, and Reps. Charles Dingell and Billy Tauzin to its cause.

"But not all legislators on Capitol Hill are buying into RFID tags, especially when they see companies playing the terrorism card to gain acceptance for the technology," Wired said.

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