are fighting an enemy that knows no rules of law that will wear civilian
uniforms, that is willing to kill in order to continue the reign of fear of
Saddam Hussein.� �George W. Bush
Depending on where one
is standing, discussing the conjecture where Israel enters into the scene
involving Iraq and the Middle East, and on top of that explaining the U.S. war
objectives in Iraq is overwhelming. This is not because discussing them is
inherently prohibitive or difficult, but essentially, because the subject of
discussion is systematically, ideologically, culturally, and politically
conditioned to the point that even the most adroit analyses have become
pointless, irrelevant to a reality that is proceeding on its own, and a tiring
exercise in the art of intellectual frustration.
Another aspect that
makes our task even more daunting is comprehension. If we can barely understand
the illiterate confabulations of George Bush, the mummified triplespeak of Don
Rumsfeld, the childish justifications of Blair and Straw, and the pedantic
lectures of �Proconsul� Minimus Paul Bremerus, how can we hope then to explain
complex issues related to Israel, as well as a 13-year-old U.S. war on Iraq
that culminated with its occupation?
Explaining complex
issues, however, is not a complicated enterprise. We just need to have a method
to break down complexity into simplicity. Accordingly, to understand both the
U.S. invasion of Iraq and its Middle East policy, we have to understand Zionism
first. The traditional method to achieve that task is by circumnavigating the
world, searching, sifting and sorting out tons of historical documents. The
alternative method that I am proposing, although unusual for this subject, is a
simple comparative model requiring just a few paragraphs and an open mind. The
model has nothing to do with politics or ideology and consists exclusively of a
logical construction of successive and consequential paradigms that end with a
negation-affirmation clause based on Cubism, a 20th century artistic movement!
The cubist artist
looks at an object (physical reality) from a precise perspective, but then
decides to visualize seeing all of its sides and angles simultaneously. To
materialize this visualization, the artist begins by visually deconstructing a
physical reality (object) that is not possible to deconstruct except by
imagination, and proceeds to depict, materially, its multiple features and sides. During the visual-artistic
process of deconstruction, however, the object remains physically unaltered
despite its deconstructed representation.
depending on the fertility of imagination, the altered representation of a real
object could go beyond its initial recognition or configuration, as in the case
of a face ending up resembling a steamboat. In addition, if the artist keeps
repeating his representations, or depicts new representations based on already
altered representations, then the decrease in purported similarity to the
object of those depicted deconstructed realities will be in direct proportion
with the increase in number of representations. In other words, the last
representation in a series of increasingly dissimilar representations is the
most dissimilar and very different in relation to the object undergoing
representation, as well as, in relation to the first representation of the same
Now, if one or more
artists produce countless representations of the same object, can any two or
more people agree on which one is the nearest to reality? The answer is no, and
that is not because of agreement or disagreement, but because the cubist
representation has nothing to do with the reality being depicted in the first
place. Most interestingly, imagine that instead of one object, we have 10, 20
or more objects grouped together. It is beyond negation that the simultaneous
representation of all these objects is going to stretch their multiple
realities beyond any valid affirmation of their existence or inexistence as
this collective representation is an incomprehensible abstract that no one,
except the artist, knows its metaphorical meaning or supposed allegory.
The climax of this
dialectical process occurs when we ask a question: what if there is no physical
object whatsoever, but the artist imaginatively, speculatively, ideologically,
and purposefully depicts a cubist representation that sprang from his own will
to imagine, replicate, modify, and depict a reality that does not exist?
By following this
reasoning and separating ideological representation from objective reality, we
will be able to explain Israel as an achievement of British colonialism and
Zionism without fanfare or diatribes. To be able to make this separation, just
remember one thing: a deconstructed representation of a reality is not reality.
Just look at the object (in our case, subject) before British and Zionists
began the deconstruction of Palestinian and Arab realities. From the beginning
of the Zionist intrusion in Palestine in the 1920�s until today, the reality
that Israel, Zionism, and Western powers made of the Palestinian and Arab
issues has gone through endless gross depictions and falsifications that the
average person cannot grasp, recognize, or understand its
Explanation: in
1920, Britain (the mandating colonial power of Palestine, conquered from the
Ottoman Empire after WWI) illegally implanted on a land inhabited by ancient
and existing people, the seeds of a future political state (Israel). The
diverse groups of this state formed a congenital contradiction�while they had
no historical ties, hence no historical connection whatsoever, with the land
given to them, they shared one common relation: religion, in this case,
In essence, Britain
single-handedly affected a monumental replacement of one similar people, with
diverse groups of people. The first is nationally homogeneous groups
(modern Palestinians) comprising modern descendents form ancient people with
similar backgrounds and multi-millennial ties to the land including
Philistines, Canaanites, Hebrews, Samaritans, Greeks, Phoenicians, Arabs,
Sabaeans, Aramaeans, and Syrians. The homogenization of all these groups
through Judaization, Christianization, and Islamization, and, with the bonding
cement of massive Arabization through Islam, notwithstanding the continuation
of religious affiliation, took over 1400 years to accomplish.
On the other hand,
the second group who supplanted or replaced these homogenous groups of
ancient people are nationally heterogeneous groups (mainly Eastern
Europeans whose ancestors converted to Judaism during the 11th - 13th
centuries, including Hungarians, Romanians, Poles, Ukrainians, Russians, etc.)
with no ancestral continuity or claim to the land given to them. (Jews
descending from Arab, Ethiopians, Persians etc., who also have no ties to the
land, moved to the exclusive state for Jews after European Zionists, thanks to
Britain, the U.S., and the USSR who sanctioned the creation of Israel in 1948.)
Regardless of the
motivations that lead to this transfer, colonialist-imperialist Britain and
Zionism played with fire that is still burning and devouring the Middle East.
Incidentally, what Britain and Zionism did in Palestine was identical to what
British settlers and their American successors did to Native Nations in North
America. Except that the Native Nations ceased fighting to recover historical
rights, the Palestinians are still fighting!
In the end, the
Zionist claim to Palestine is as absurd as the hypothetical claim of all
converts to Buddhism on Tibet or India, or as the claim of all converts to
Islam, be they non-Arab Muslims or non-Saudi Arabs to Saudi Arabia where Islam
took root. Consequently Israel, being implanted illegally and anti-historically
amidst the Arabs, has to negate the Palestinian existence and dominate the
Arabs (by means of U.S. and European weapons, money, and direct intervention),
to assert its primacy and power in a way to overcome its sense of historical
incongruity and illegitimacy. Reason: as Palestinians invoke the restoration of
historical rights, Israel feeling its incongruity, denies them that privilege,
as it may curtail or delete its own acquired privilege of power and political
existence. This has become especially true after the transformation of Zionism
from a movement to unify Jews regardless of nationality to a full-fledged
imperialism in cohabitation with the U.S.
In the very end,
the fact that Israel�s supporters and Zionists who have been in gradual but
firm control of the United States since the end of WWII, can explain the
persistent and implacable U.S. policies against all issues that concern the
Arabs. Indeed, prior to WWII, the U.S. and U.S. politicians hardly took any
adversarial positions against the Arabs. As for oil and strategic positioning
of hyper-imperialism on Arab soil, and the further passage of Zionism to
super-militarized imperialism, these are beside the point, and are another
I must emphasize
that looking critically at Zionism is not, nor does it coincide with
�anti-Semitism.� This is Zionist rubbish, and I can verify this assertion
immediately with simple analogies. The fact that I oppose the fascist regime of
Saddam Hussein and its legacy does not make me anti-Iraqi, or anti-Arab; and
the fact that I oppose the brand of Islam espoused by Bin Laden does not make
me anti-Muslim. Likewise, the fact that I oppose
Israel�s policy and Zionism does not make me �anti-Jewish� or make me assume
hostility toward Jewish traditions, religious holidays, culture, rituals, and
the rich history of the all communities who converted to Judaism; that is
miserable bigotry and utter cultural ignorance. Notice that I used the term
�anti-Jewish� and not anti-Semitic and that is for a reason I shall explain
shortly. Also, please pay attention to another matter: the only two states that
dub people opposing their policies with the prefix �anti� are Israel and the
United States. That is not a coincidence, as we shall see why this is so.
I have never heard
Japan calling its political opponents �anti-Nipponese,� Greece calling its
opponents �anti-Hellenic,� or France calling its opponents �anti-French�! It is
of interest to notice that the British never accused the IRA fighters for
being, �anti-Protestant� or �anti-English. Britain never called Mahatma Gandhi
or Mohammad Jinnah (founder of Pakistan) as �anti-English.� In the end, those
who invented the term, �anti-Semitic,� are the same who invented the term,
�anti-Americanism� to create the illusion of a shared discrimination, to
the point that opposing Israel�s policies is now dubbed �anti-American.�
The apogee of all
things frivolous, however, is the charge that an American who opposes the
Zionization of U.S. institutions and foreign policy is labeled �anti-American.�
Under this ludicrous absurdity, if I were to scold myself for having done
something stupid, would I then accuse myself for being, �anti-me�! To conclude,
life and existence of nations are not subject to ideological games based on
�anti� or �pro�; consequently, it is overdue that we evaluate the ideological
use of the prefix, �anti,� as its nonsense goes beyond any useful logic. To
uphold this point, if the use of �anti� is a standard and sensible way to
describe dissention, are we then entitled to accuse the Bush Administration of,
�anti-Arabism,� and �anti-Iraqism� according to the popular adage, �what is
good for the goose is good for the gander?�
How could something
like that happen?
When in 1781 the
German historian and linguist August Schl�zer, invented the term �Semitic� or
�Shemitic� to name a group of similar languages spoken In Arabia, Mesopotamia,
Syria, and Palestine, then afterwards spread to Egypt, Ethiopia, and North
Africa, his purpose was to indicate an etymological and grammatical affinity.
Being a student of theology, he based his nomination on the
mythological-biblical assumption that all those who spoke these languages
descended directly from Shem, son of Noah, hence the name �Shemitic,� later
pronounced just �Semitic,� by dropping the �h.� Schl�zer divided Semitic
languages in Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western. These languages
included, Babylonian, Assyrian, Amorite, Aramaic, Canaanite, Moabite, Hebrew,
Phoenician, Punic, Sabaean, Arabic, Ethiopic, Amharic, Nabataean, Samaritan,
Mishnaic, Talmudic Palestinian, Talmudic Babylonian, and many other
Well, Schl�zer had
no idea whatsoever, that beginning in 1881 the term, �Semitic� would acquire
new meaning. In 1897, the Austrian, Theodore Herzl, founder of the Zionist
doctrine, and his successors definitively appropriated themselves with that
term exclusively to differentiate people of Jewish faith, regardless of
ethnicity or history, from any other race or people on earth for reasons that
have nothing to do with language structure, grammar, or vocabulary. The true
reason was to establish an exclusive Jewish homeland in Palestine to escape
European Christian discrimination.
The appropriation
of the word �Semitic� did not stop there, as later on it acquired more
derivatives, nouns, adjectives, and even a famous antonym:
�anti-Semitic,� indicating a visceral aversion to everything Jewish. Here are
some contradictions. Zionists abused both Judaism and anthropology by implying
that because Shem is a biblical character, it follows that the Semitic
description of Schl�zer belongs only to them. Keep in mind that the character
of Shem and the universal flood in Genesis are a derivation from Babylonian
mythology as in the epic of Gilgamesh. Another contradiction belongs to the
Muslim Arabs as they took the bait of �Semitism,� based on their veneration of
Jewish scriptures, so now they are Semite too! If Semitism is a misnomer,
anti-Semitism is not. �Anti-Semitism� is a deliberate and powerful political
instrument of blackmail aimed at silencing and stigmatizing opponents of
Here are two
critical contradictions that cogently annul the charge of �anti-Semitism�
against such opponents:
First: Imagine an
alien spaceship carrying extra-terrestrials landed on Earth. Imagine that these
extra-terrestrials want to learn a few facts about our troubled planet, as they
know absolutely nothing about its culture or history. Now, imagine that a team
of unbiased international scholars and scientists explain the situation in the
Middle East to our visitors. At this point, if our intergalactic neighbors
criticize Israel and its pretentious Zionist ideology, would U.S. Zionists and
Israel accuse our guests of �anti-Semitism?�
Second, suppose I
were to convert, genuinely and sincerely, to Judaism and even learn Hebrew, but
still maintain my opposition to Zionism because of its narrow ideology, racism,
segregation, manipulation of history, and the injustice it inflicted on
Palestinians, how then would Ariel Sharon would label me, �anti-Semitic,�
�anti-Israeli,� �anti-Jewish, or �anti-Zionist?�
Sharon cannot label
me as �anti-Jewish,� because I am now Jewish. That leaves me with three labels.
He cannot label me as �anti-Semitic,� because I am an Arab, and Schl�zer said
that I am entitled to my Semitism because of my language! If Sharon still
insists on his position, then I would reply that if I were not a Semite, then
neither is he! This is why: he cannot substantiate any genealogical links that
tie him directly to a mythological or material character named Shem, and
neither can I. That leaves me with two labels. He cannot label me as
�anti-Israeli,� because, being a Jewish convert, the Zionist �Law of Return�
permits me to go to Israel, and it grants me full Israeli citizenship (unless
Israel orders that a modern Arab cannot convert to Judaism! Reminder: at the
time of early Islam, there were many Arab tribes adhering to Judaism, who
survived as such until present time). That leaves me with one label��anti-Zionist.�
Am I �anti-Zionist?�
Before responding,
I have to specify one thing. As I stated before, the prefix �anti� is misleading,
therefore, I consider the term �anti-Zionism� erroneous. Zionism, being only a
political movement, can have adherents and adversaries in the guise of
Communism, Liberalism, etc.; therefore, based on evaluation of its ideological
premises, adherence to, or rejection of it, is a matter of freethinking and
choice. Consequently, being an adversary to Zionism is not derogatory,
insulting, or anything else. In this case, one can accept Zionism or reject it;
therefore, based on its history and consequences on the Arab World and on Iraq,
the answer to my question is yes, I oppose Zionism because it opposes me, and
because it bases its existence on my extinction. Therefore, even though I
accept the existence of Israel as a historical reality, I still oppose the
Zionist policies of the Israeli State that were conceived to cancel or rule
over my indestructible and universal human rights, whether I am an American,
Iraqi, Israeli, Palestinian, or Nepalese.
Well, history went
in that direction and now we have a hard reality imposed by weapons. Is there a
solution to the Israeli-Palestinian question, hence to the problems of the
Middle East? Yes. Either a truly independent Palestinian state, or a multi
ethnic, pluralistic, demilitarized, non-racist and democratic
Israeli-Palestinian state, open for all denominations and not only for people
of Jewish faith. A phantom Palestinian state whose people cannot return to it,
that has no rights to its surface and underground water, skies, and resources,
is essentially a slave state and is a prescription for continuing disasters.
Does the
multi-ethnic model sound like Canada or the U.S.? Is that not a feasible and
logical model? If it is so, why then does Israel reject it? Can Zionism
co-exist with the Arabs? It can but only if this co-existence means disparity,
i.e., Israeli superiority. Israel and U.S. Zionists have passed the point of
romantic Zionism preaching safe havens for people escaping from Christian
Zionism today is an
international movement not exclusive or confined to specific groups but open to
any one in search of unaccountable power or the achievement of something
through the intercession of Zionism. Example of this is when U.S. Zionist
figures promised that they would help Poland join NATO, if Poland agrees to buy
Israeli weapons. Another one was when the same figures asked Franjo Tudjman of
Croatia to delete a chapter in a book he had written in the 1950s where he
spoke against Zionism, if he wanted the U.S. to lift sanctions on his country. Today
you can say Zionist Arab, a Zionist Indian, a Zionist Iraqi, and so on. Most
importantly, Zionism is now an integral part of a new type of historical force�hyper-imperialism�where
Christian Fundamentalism, as well as powerful corporations are fueling its
expansionism and aggressive policies toward the world and the Arabs. This,
however, is another issue.
Talking about
Zionism inevitably brings us back to Iraq, where in 1999, Thomas Friedman (the
New York Times), arrogantly bragged that Iraq belongs to the U.S. (meaning
Israel) that it can do with it anything it wants. More than Egypt, Syria, or
any other Arab country, Iraq presented Israel with a serious migraine headache.
Iraq was the only Arab country that had the means to build an effective modern
army and maybe unconventional weapons. Besides, Saddam Hussein was the only
daring Arab leader to envision countering Israeli hegemony in the region. His
idea was right, but his methods were immature and sinister.
There were two
irreparable structural flaws in Saddam�s vision. First, a ruthless, and bloody
fascist dictatorship based on the personality cult of Saddam that excluded the
people and denied them freedom could never accomplish the task of transforming
Iraq militarily or socially according to an advanced geostrategic thinking.
Second, he allied himself with Washington, Saudi Arabia, and Israel�s goals in
the region, mortgaged his country to the whims of sophisticated imperialism
with an agenda and mechanism to implement it; and, finally, he made wars where
none were required thus destroying his country in the process.
What Saddam, a
vacuous dictator who loved to model in multi-national garments more than
studying world history, could have never understood is that after Egypt
capitulated to Israel, Israel would have never allowed any other Arab power to
challenge it militarily. Under this condition, his monumental Iranian blunder
paved the way for endless future disasters for Iraq. Indeed, after Saddam�s
American proxy war with Iran, after the US, Israel, and the West oversized him
during that war, and after he invaded Kuwait, U.S. Zionists and imperialists
seized the opportunity to re-size him and end Iraq permanently.
Next, in part
three, we shall investigate current Iraq in relation to the U.N. system, the
attack against its headquarters in Baghdad, and how the U.N. responded to it.
We shall also address the human costs of the U.S. invasion and occupation of
Iraq. In addition, we are going to see how the intriguing Iraqi situation leads
us to Annan, personally. In part four, we are going to dissect three issues
that Annan recently raised: genocide, WMD, and terrorism
Next, Part 3:
Annan, the U.N. attack, and other stories.
B. J. Sabri is an Iraqi-American anti-war activist. He can be reached at: bjsabri@yahoo.com.