It seems to me from
traveling abroad and from contacts all over the world that the people of the
United States are some of the most terrified in the world.
Americans seem to
be afraid of everything: germs, weather, bureaucracy, police, media, religious
damnation, sex, science, credit collection agencies, airplane toilets,
immigrants, liberals, foreigners, gays, self-determined women -- their own
mothers even, I would venture to say. It is a mystery how they function at all,
beset by so many largely irrational fears!
Meanwhile, their
own government wages relentless state terror -- which includes a parallel
domestic attack on US citizens' economic survival and social services -- all
over the world. "Shock and awe" by the bloody buckets! If anybody
should be terrified it is the world's people. But the people of the terrorized
world suffer economic warfare, bombs, detentions, torture, and collective
punishment, and still manage to stand up to the bully, either through
non-collaborationist belligerence (Iraq), popular defiance (Palestine), or
guerrilla resistance (Lebanon, Afghanistan). Not to mention Mexico and Latin
America, where our government historically supported undemocratic or fascist
regimes, which for decades terrorized whole populations but failed to cower
Why are the people
of the [US] West so scared and the rest not?
Possibly, the arguments
in a recent article in Foreign Affairs suggests, because the object of the fear
is deliberately manufactured as omnipotent, intangible, and elusive. The mother
of all US fears is terrorism, and terrorism, US people are told, is everywhere
and may strike at any moment.
But is this fear
grounded in reality?
No, it is not, is
the authoritative conclusion of article, "Is
There Still a Terrorist Threat?" by John Mueller, a professor of
political science at Ohio University. The article appears in Foreign Affairs,
the September/October 2006 issue.
Mueller offers
persuasive counter arguments to seven official claims by administration
representatives attempting to explain why there has not been a terrorist attack
on US soil since 9/11, despite constant official alarmist warnings that
terrorist attacks are an inevitable certainty.
1) Claim: No
terrorist attack by the (omnipotent) terrorist enemy has occurred on US soil in
the last five years since 9/11, because the Bush administration has taken firm
steps through Homeland Security and other measures to prevent it. Mueller
notes, however, that no terrorist attack on US soil had occurred in the
previous five years before these measures were put in place.
2) Claim:
Anti-disaster measures, alleged to be supremely effectively in place, have
deterred attacks. Mueller counters this claim by pointing to the obvious US
institutional failure to prevent and deal with the effects of Hurricane
Katrina. However, even under the most perfectly functioning security plans and
operations (which in the case of Katrina were anything but), security measures
are never fool-proof. Why, then, has al-Qaeda not struck? Where are they?
Mueller explains: "If al Qaeda operatives are as determined and inventive
as assumed, they should be here by now. If they are not yet here, they must not
be trying very hard or must be far less dedicated, diabolical, and competent
than the common image would suggest."
3) Claim: The
absence of terrorism on US soil can be explained by the fact that the US's
(illegal) attack on Afghanistan has severely disrupted al Qaeda's training
camps. But, Mueller contends "this claim is . . . unconvincing. The 2004
train bombings in Madrid were carried out by a tiny group of men who had never
been to Afghanistan, much less to any of al Qaeda's training camps. They pulled
off a coordinated nonsuicidal attack with 13 remote-controlled bombs, ten of
which went off on schedule, killing 191 and injuring more than 1,800. The
experience with that attack, as well as with the London bombings of 2005,
suggests that, as the former U.S. counterterrorism officials Daniel Benjamin
and Steven Simon have noted, for a terrorist attack to succeed, 'all that is
necessary are the most portable, least detectable tools of the terrorist trade:
4) Claim:
terrorists are too busy killing Americans in Iraq to be planning supplementary
murder plots against American civilians on US soil. However, Mueller notes,
"terrorists with al Qaeda sympathies or sensibilities have managed to
carry out attacks in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Turkey, the
United Kingdom, and elsewhere in the past three years; not every single
potential bomb thrower has joined the fray in Iraq."
5) Claim: the
Muslim community in the US is well integrated. This is a bizarre racist claim
that attributes to Muslim settled communities in the US some outrageous
responsibility for environmentally producing or sheltering terror. Be that as
it may in the eyes of racist paranoids, Mueller unflinchingly remarks,
"the same [integration of the Muslim community] could be said about the
United Kingdom, which experienced a significant terrorist attack in 2005. And
European countries with less well-integrated Muslim communities, such as
Germany, France, and Norway, have yet to experience al Qaeda terrorism. Indeed,
if terrorists are smart, they will avoid Muslim communities because that is the
lamppost under which policing agencies are most intensely searching for them.
The perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks were ordered generally to stay away from
mosques and American Muslims. That and the Madrid plot show that tiny terrorist
conspiracies hardly need a wider support network to carry out their
6) Claim: Maybe
al-Qaeda is waiting for just the right moment for maximum effect. No dice, says
Mueller: "What [are they waiting] for? The 9/11 attacks took only about
two years to prepare. The carefully coordinated, very destructive, and
politically productive terrorist attacks in Madrid in 2004 were conceived,
planned from scratch, and then executed all within six months; the bombs were
set off less than two months after the conspirators purchased their first
supplies of dynamite, paid for with hashish. (Similarly, Timothy McVeigh's
attack in Oklahoma City in 1995 took less than a year to plan.) Given the
extreme provocation of the invasion of Iraq in 2003, one would think that
terrorists might be inclined to shift their timetable into higher gear. And if
they are so patient, why do they continually claim that another attack is just
around the corner? It was in 2003 that al Qaeda's top leaders promised attacks
in Australia, Bahrain, Egypt, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi
Arabia, the United States, and Yemen. Three years later, some bombs had gone
off in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemen, and Jordan (as well as in the unlisted
Turkey) but not in any other of the explicitly threatened countries. Those attacks
were tragic, but their sparseness could be taken as evidence that it is not
only American alarmists who are given to extravagant huffing and puffing."
7) Claim: It could
be argued, as FBI director Robert Mueller argued in 2003, that "the
greatest threat is from al Qaeda cells in the U.S. that we have not yet
identified." "But," John Mueller counters that "in 2001,
the 9/11 hijackers received no aid from U.S.-based al Qaeda operatives for the
simple reason that no such operatives appear to have existed. It is not at all
clear that that condition has changed. Robert Mueller also claimed (in 2003) to
know that 'al Qaeda maintains the ability and the intent to inflict significant
casualties in the U.S. with little warning.' If this were true -- if the terrorists
had both the ability and the intent in 2003, and if the threat they presented
was somehow increasing -- they remained remarkably quiet by the time the
unflappable FBI Director Mueller repeated his alarmist mantra in 2005: 'I
remain very concerned about what we are not seeing.'" I add: Mueller (the
professor, not the FBI director) forgets to mention that the FBI has officially
acknowledged that they have been unable to determine al-Qaeda responsibilities
in 9/11. The perpetrators remain unknown, beyond a reasonable doubt.
The professor
continues to elaborate on claim #7: "Intelligence estimates in 2002 held
that there were as many as 5,000 al Qaeda terrorists and supporters in the
United States. However, a secret FBI report in 2005 wistfully noted that
although the bureau had managed to arrest a few bad guys here and there after
more than three years of intense and well-funded hunting, it had been unable to
identify a single true al Qaeda sleeper cell anywhere in the country. Thousands
of people in the United States have had their overseas communications monitored
under a controversial warrantless surveillance program. Of these, fewer than
ten U.S. citizens or residents per year have aroused enough suspicion to impel
the agencies spying on them to seek warrants authorizing surveillance of their
domestic communications as well; none of this activity, it appears, has led to
an indictment on any charge whatever."
And more: "In
addition to massive eavesdropping and detention programs, every year some 30,000
'national security letters' are issued without judicial review, forcing
businesses and other institutions to disclose confidential information about
their customers without telling anyone they have done so. That process has
generated thousands of leads that, when pursued, have led nowhere. Some 80,000
Arab and Muslim immigrants have been subjected to fingerprinting and
registration, another 8,000 have been called in for interviews with the FBI,
and over 5,000 foreign nationals have been imprisoned in initiatives designed
to prevent terrorism. This activity, notes the Georgetown University law
professor David Cole, has not resulted in a single conviction for a terrorist
crime. In fact, only a small number of people picked up on terrorism charges --
always to great official fanfare -- have been convicted at all, and almost all
of these convictions have been for other infractions, particularly immigration
violations. Some of those convicted have clearly been mental cases or simply
flaunting jihadist bravado -- rattling on about taking down the Brooklyn Bridge
with a blowtorch, blowing up the Sears Tower if only they could get to Chicago,
beheading the prime minister of Canada, or flooding lower Manhattan by somehow
doing something terrible to one of those tunnels."
Professor Mueller's
general conclusion suggests that, in the words of the Foreign Affairs summation
blurb, "the reasonable -- but rarely heard -- explanation [for the failure
of post-9/11 terror attacks on US soil] is that there are no terrorists within
the United States, and few have the means or the inclination to strike from
Now, of course, you
know that Foreign Affairs does not exactly shelter an exclusive den of
fanatical crackpots like the American Enterprise Institute or the other policy-driven,
right-wing think-tanks kenneling ideological mad-dogs crusading for
market-fundamentalism, Amerofascist "holy war" for world
liberation,or democracy-jihad? Foreign Affairs is the voice of the sober,
conservative, old-time capital establishment. Clearly, as far as these members
of the ruling establishment are concerned -- or the editors who select the
articles for them to read -- these Bush messianic pranksters and fear-purveyors
have gone too far!
Is there,
therefore, no need to be vigilant about terrorism? Of course there is a need,
but intelligence may be a better tool than the bull-in-the-china-shop approach
of the Bush administration's war on the world, known as the "war on
terror," producing no increased US security and wrecking US credibility
and reputation abroad -- or what is left of it after 50 years of
"interventions," including bloody anti-people wars (Vietnam,
Salvador, Nicaragua, Haiti, to cite just a few examples), CIA coups (the list
is too long, but let's just mention the classic ones in Iran, Guatemala,
Indonesia, Chile) and US-supported tyrannies (Congo, Argentina, and the
satrapies in the Middle East. Dare I mention Israel as a "tyranny" --
or is it just an apartheid state? Then, there is the special case of Cuba --
more than 40 years of economic warfare!)
Time to wake up,
folks and declare a "War on Fear." No, I won't quote you from FDR's
inaugural address (or from wherever he said it). It's there somewhere in our
collective historical memory, stored among the nostalgia items of a former,
gutsier America. We must search for it, find it, brandish it, and walk out with
it in the streets, holding it up high! We must demand "regime change"
in America before the present one destroys what's left of our national dignity and
self-determination and causes more suffering to the planet's people.
As simple as that,
and, then, we, too, like the mature people of the world, can be free of fear,
including the fear of our own government. Only by taking our fear into the
streets will we banish it, fortified by truth and justice, the most
unassailable security anyone can have -- because it is internal, unreachable,
and grounded in conscience.
Luciana Bohne teaches film and literature at
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania. She can be reached at