Part 25: Dick Cheney, the inferior art of bulldozing reality
By B.J. Sabri
Journal Contributing Writer
Jan 14, 2005, 19:57
�This is a racist and
imperialist war. The warmongers who stole the White House (you call them
'hawks', but I would never disparage such a fine bird) have hijacked a nation's
grief and turned it into a perpetual war on any non-white country they choose
to describe as terrorist.��American film actor
Woody Harrelson
Occasionally, jokes can be instructive. The following is an
example: Three patients in a mental hospital find a large book. They decide to
read it to make sense of its content. After the first one read it, he decreed,
it was a great love story. And, when the second one read it, he announced, it
was a study of mathematics. But after the third one read it, he insisted, it
was a cookbook. Squabbling to prove who was right, they went to the head doctor
to ask for his opinion. When the doctor saw the book, he exclaimed, �So . . . It
was you three who took my telephone directory!�
Along these lines, can George W. Bush, Colin Powell, or Paul
Wolfowitz make up their minds on their rationales to invade Iraq? Bush thunders
that he invaded Iraq because the �tyrant could give these terrible weapons
[WMD] to terrorists who will attack the United States.� Powell goes beyond
Bush�s �divination� to assert that the invasion was necessary to �bring
democracy to Iraq.� As for Wolfowitz, a major architect of the war, the
invasion had a different agenda: �It will bring a solution between the Zionist
occupiers of Palestine and the occupied Palestinians.�
What does Dick Cheney say? Cheney (the equivalent of our
head doctor) does not waste time in declaring his imperialist quip. He
obliquely attributes the occupation of Iraq to the conditions created by 9/11,
and establishes a blueprint for World Empire through three stages that I
identified (part 24)
as the �mission� [Iraq], �undertaking� [The Middles East], and a �greater
mission� [The world]. As such, 9/11 has become a pretext for reprising the
colonialist expansion of empire first interrupted when the U.S. renounced the
annexation of Canada in the 1920s, and later, when it gave up the Philippines
in 1946.
Since the �mission,� according to Cheney�s vocabulary of
activist colonialism, is the imperialist conquest of Iraq, it is imperative to
address the other side of conquest: the war to achieve it. It is here where
Cheney and supportive media elevated the bulldozing of reality to an art.
Invariably, while Cheney, Bush, and Powell routinely
exaggerate the virtues of invasion, they consistently ignore the devastation
they inflicted upon Iraq and its people, as well as the implacable Iraqi
struggle against the occupation. Because of a fatuous mentality that indulges
in spins but discards reality, and as the occupation regime settled in and
resistance to it began, the U.S. was fast to claim that those who were fighting
its order were remnants of the old regime.
In the meanwhile, as the resistance persisted, the list of
labels kept growing to include Saddam�s loyalists, foreign fighters, Baathists,
terrorists, Arab Jihadists, Islamists, Qaeda-ists, Iranian infiltrators, Sunni
insurgents, Shiite rebels, Shiite renegades, Sunni rebels, thugs, murders, and
other labels. As for labels given to Iraq and cities revolting against the
occupation, the list is somewhat limited, but indicates the purposeful
ideological manipulation of U.S. war managers: war-torn country, restive
Fallujah, rebel city, volatile region, Sunni triangle, Sunni provinces, etc.
Two labels though, �Sunni rebels� and �Shiite insurgents�
deserve some attention. For one thing, 95 percent of Iraqis are either Sunni or
Shiite. Hence, when the U.S. battles Sunnis and Shiites, who else remains in
Iraq? Most Arabs are either Sunni or Shiite; and some of Iraq�s non-Arab larger
minorities such as the Kurds and Turcomans are mostly Sunni Muslim, but sizable
groups within them are Shiite. Knowing this, how do all these groups from all
ethnic and confessional backgrounds fit into the U.S. classification of forces
hostile to the occupation?
For example, take the large Kurdish minority that is acting
(under the occupation) as if it were a large majority. The Kurds are the most
enthusiastic backers of the occupation for nationalistic and separatist
reasons; yet they are mostly Sunni and have nothing to do with the
American-dubbed: �Sunni insurgency.� Equally, the term, �Shiite insurgency� is
misleading. In fact, not all Shiites, whether Arab, Kurds, or Turcomans, are
rising against the occupation; so why does the U.S. generalize the
anti-occupation uprising as �Shiite insurgency?�
Moreover, if the U.S. war in Iraq were a war of religions
pitting occupied Muslims against mostly Christian occupiers, then the term,
�Muslim insurgency� would be more in tune with that situation. But the war in
Iraq is a war of colonialism; therefore, it was widely expected that the
occupation would change the fundamental connotations of the conflict to achieve
its goal of conquest.
Interestingly, when the United States refers to its
appointed Arab and Kurdish allies, it invariably calls them, �Iraqis,� as in
�Iraqi foreign minister, etc.,� notwithstanding the fact that those people are
either Sunni or Shiite. This means one thing: Iraqis could keep their Iraqi
identification, but
only if they renounce armed opposition to the occupation. Oppose the occupation
or join the uprising, and you instantly become, either a �Sunni insurgent,� or
a �Shiite rebel.�
Consequently, by omitting the national quality from all
those Iraqis who oppose the occupation and concentrate on a specific religious
creed within Islam, the U.S. is exploiting the traditional internal Islamic
confessional discord to reinforce the occupation regime.
To demonstrate the absurdity of the American way of labeling
Iraqis, imagine that a foreign power occupies New York City, and that New
Yorkers rise against the occupation. The occupiers of NYC would then label the
fighters of Bensonhurst, �Catholic insurgents�; the fighters of Borough Park,
�Hassidic rebels�; the fighters of Harlem, �Evangelical insurgents�; the
fighters of Brighton Beach, �Jewish rebels�; the fighters of Queens, �Catholic
renegades�; and so on.
Recently, the �brilliant minds� at the hyper-imperialist
press agency, the �Associated Press,� entered into the foray of how to nominate
the Iraqis by proposing two new categories: (1) Shiite Muslim majority, and (2) Arab Sunni minority.
According to trite colonialist categorizations, the AP immediately divided the
Iraqis into two factions with the intention to spread ignorance and
misinformation among its countless correspondents, world journalists who depend
on its reporting, and among the ultimate target: the readers.
Many things are true about Iraq; just as the rest of the
ancient world, Iraq has six millennia of history
behind it where all races and creeds intermingled. But in modern Iraq, for
instance, it is true that Iraqi Arab Shiite Muslims are a majority, but
they are not an absolute majority. Second, it is also true that Iraqi Arab
Sunni Muslims are a minority, but they are a very large minority that is
almost half of the Arab Shiite majority. Regardless of this imperialistically
motivated census imposed on Iraq by the United States, is the composition of
the Iraqi people relevant to the rationales for the invasion and occupation of
Iraq? Of course not, but in its unlimited preposterous ways, the U.S. is still
busy dividing the Iraqis in categories and assigning future nominal power as
per the result of a bogus election, while its forces still occupy Iraq, and its
embassy controls its decision-making and finances.
Conclusively, the rule of a majority or minority is not an
important issue under occupation or prospected colonization. If the rule of the
majority in Iraq is mandatory, then the U.S. occupation force, as a workforce
living in Iraq, is an insignificant minority, thus, categorically, has no right
to rule the country.
Furthermore, if Iraq were not occupied, what should count as
a political settlement is the rule of a legitimate political majority (regardless
of nationality or religion,) coalitions, and consensus. More importantly, the
idea of an exclusive rule of a religious majority is fascism, and the only
state that practices it is Israel where only people of Jewish faith can
immigrate, obtain citizenship, promulgate laws, and rule.
Decidedly, therefore, by employing the terms, �Shiite Muslim
majority� and �Arab Sunni minority,� the AP pushed its �analyzing� tool to the
limit of imperialist sophistry�it juxtaposed the religious-confessional
identity of the majority to the national religious confessional identity
of the minority. In doing so, it deprived the majority from national
reference, but endowed the minority with a nationality attached
to confessional identity. The
game is all too obvious: by reducing Iraq to miniature antagonistic elements,
Cheney and Bush hope to destroy the idea of a national Iraqi character to ease
implementing colonialism.
Under this light, any U.S. reference to groups battling its
occupation as Shiite or Sunni is the highest point of ideological manipulation
and demagogy. According to such labeling, an Iraqi, be it Muslim (Shiite or
Sunni), Christian, Turcoman, or Kurd is good only when he or she accepts
succumbing to the occupation. U.S. planners are adopting long experimented
British colonialist practices to facilitate conquest:
- Divide
and rule by exploiting the Arab Shiite resentment toward Arab Sunnis, and
artificially tie all of them to Saddam�s regime.
- Inflate
the Shiite mirage of attaining power through a bogus election, thus
inducing chauvinism and incipient fascism in their political attitudes.
- Exploit
Sunni�s chauvinism and prejudice against the Shiites, and threaten them
with Shiite power thus cajoling them into accepting the occupation. This
is not to mention the threat to label the Sunnis with ties to al Qaeda,
meaning relate them to bin Laden, meaning they are the enemy of the U.S.
- Exploit
legitimate Kurdish national aspirations, but use their ultra-chauvinist
militias as the wildcard against both Sunni and Shiite Arabs.
- Exploit
the fear of Iraqi Christian and other non-Muslim groups of a Shiite rule,
thus enlisting them as counter-balance to Shiite dominance and Arabism in
The latest addition to the occupation�s labeling of the
Iraqi resistance, however, is the phrase, �suicide bomber,� which is the
subject of our brief enquiry on Cheney�s war. Commenting on the latest attack
against the American occupation force in the Iraqi city of Mosul, USA TODAY,
a flagship of Gannett Company, a traditional imperialist concern that owns
several military magazines and owns half of the newspapers and TV stations in
the U.S., flashed the headline: �Suicide bomber blamed in blast.� With just one phrase, the paper
transformed the war in Iraq to an unqualified suicide-bomber, and the attack to
a blast, as if the military base were a steam engine that imploded because of
internal pressure build-up. [Italics added]
The Washington
Post, a hyper-imperialist information medium, flashed the headline: �Iraq
base was hit by suicide attack, U.S. general says.� The WP did two things: (1) by omitting the modifier, �American�
from the word �base,� it implied that that base was actually an Iraqi base, and
(2) by qualifying the attack as suicide, it followed the ideological pattern of
Cheney and Bush who reduced Middle Eastern events and the war on Iraq to
�suicide-bombers� and �fanatics� running amuck. [Italics added]
As for the New
York Times, the �educated� voice of U.S. Zionism, its headline states, �Suicide
bombing is now suspected in Mosul attack.�
[Italics added]. The NYT was theatrical. The editorial board decided that the
attack is just a �suspected suicide attack,� implying that it could turn out to be something else. The deep
implication is that if the attack was not suicidal, then what was it, and for
what purpose? Of Course, the NYT could not expand on such questions, because
its readers might begin to make questions of their own.
Notice that none of the three headlines hinted to war. But,
in spite of this denial, U.S. politicians, political analysts, and media
sporadically but grudgingly admit to insurgency, and, on each occasion, they
refer to the war as �violence,� or isolated acts of sabotage, as if they were
not the ones who were responsible for the conflagration of atrocities that are
devouring Iraq. In particular, the persistent reference to �violence� in Iraq
without giving it a specific context is a strategy aimed at presenting the
anti-occupation uprising as if it were internal strife or disorderly street
With this outdated tactic, American doctrinaires of empire
could deceive the American people with their characterization of the war, but
they cannot deceive themselves: they know that war is raging in Iraq and that
it is taking its toll on all sides. They also know they cannot win it, unless
they vaporize all Iraqi cities opposing their Nazi-like takeover with nuclear
bombs. This is not a remote hypothesis: the U.S. has already used radioactive
uranium in its wars, and the use of nuclear weapons to eradicate the resistance
is now randomly but consistently advocated by various imperialist quarters in
the United States, especially the �Project for the New American Century.�
Notwithstanding how Cheney theorizes on his war, warring
sides throughout history have fought each other using multiple weapons and
tactics. Weapons included animal bones, spears, arrows, and cruise missiles.
Tactics included sudden attack, retreat and attack, and traps. As for the
extent and determination to fight, do American generals ever hear the popular
idiom that one would fight �tooth and nail?� It is axiomatic that those who say
it mean they will fight with everything available: teeth and nails, therefore,
are instruments of war.
The fundamental question, Is there war in Iraq?� Yes. Or as
George W. Bush claims, are the ceaseless attacks against his occupation force
�acts of desperation?� No. These attacks are not acts of desperation but daring
guerrilla warfare that is demolishing Cheney�s vision of conquest. In the Mosul
attack for example, and contrary to American media reports, Iraqi sources speak
of over 160 U.S. soldiers killed. There were hundreds of GIs at the mess tent
at the hour of the attack. Imagine a car carrying 12 tons of explosives detonates
among hundreds of soldiers but leaves only 22 killed! This is not about body
count, its falsehood or veracity; but the undeniable fact is that the Iraqi
resistance to the American occupation is taking a turn that Cheney and Bush
insist upon dismissing�at least publicly.
In fighting terms, is a military attack, such as the Mosul
attack, against a fortified American base in broad daylight, an act of
desperation or courage? Americans still romanticize the Alamo as a symbol of
resilience in the face of sure death, and mythologize Custer for his last
stand. So, why do U.S. politicians view an astounding attack against their
occupying forces as an act of desperation?
The answer is decisive: (1) it is propaganda to confuse the
American people on the course of war, and (2) its purpose is to hide mortal
disorientation in front of an adversary that does not accept occupation. By way
of enquiry, is �suicide bombing� really suicide or a form of warfare? Let us
examine the situation:
The American way of war
After the U.S.
invaded Iraq, it continued its war with 138,000 soldiers wearing bulletproof
vests and Kevlar helmets, and around 35,000 foreign mercenaries including
British contingents. During its daily aggression to subdue the resistance, the
U.S. uses F-16s, F-18s, and F-22s, Apache and cobra helicopters, tanks, armored
vehicles, artillery, poisonous gas, Napalm, fire, and cluster bombs. Aside from
forces stationed in Iraq, the U.S. also has carriers in the Persian Gulf and
the Indian Ocean; military bases in the Arabic peninsula, Egypt, Jordan,
Israel, and Turkey. And as if this were not sufficient, U.S. forces depend on
the most modern means of communications and satellite surveillance, as well as
on NATO�s logistical support and military bases. In addition, the occupation
has the luxury of a free unlimited Iraqi fuel supply, seized Iraqi financial
assets, un-audited oil revenues, and it can partially depend on dispossessed or
co-opted Iraqis to fight its war.
The Iraqi way of war
With the fall of Baghdad, the
dissolution of the Iraqi Armed Forces, state apparatuses, ministries, and the
collapse of civilian structures, the Iraqis decidedly lost the organizing force
of the state and its war making capabilities. More importantly, in the
post-invasion period, the U.S. deliberately destroyed the military hardware of
the former Iraqi Army, including jetfighters, tanks, armored vehicles,
transport carriers, ammunitions�although it transferred a significant quantity
to its Kurdish allies but not to the Shiite Arabs that it regards as enemy
despite collaboration. However, this does not exclude that Iraqis, regardless
of political affiliation, could have stashed weapons to fight the occupation
force. Having this in mind, then, �What is the Iraqi way of war in front of the
most formidable military force in history?� Answer: to fight an enemy of
superior sophistication, the Iraqis use road bombs, mines, rockets, and . . . they
use their lives.
Based on the above, U.S. forces can fight an advanced
techno-war, Iraqi fighters cannot�after two devastating American wars on Iraq,
and a 13-year old military embargo, they have no such capacity. Regardless, if
the resistance with its improvised road-bombs and self-immolating attacks can
inflict sizable fatalities and casualties on the aggressors, then why change
Emphatically, because of a colossal imbalance of power, if
an Iraqi citizen could lose his life just by staring at an American soldier,
and if frontal assault is impractical even if conducted by 2,000 marching
fighters, then it is logical that an alternative way must exist: guerrilla
warfare. If the purpose of an Iraqi fighter is to die so his death can
contribute to the liberation of his land, then a kamikaze style attack is a
valid way of war. If the French did it against the Germans, the Japanese
against WWII Allies, then why should it be unreasonable that the Iraqis do it
against their occupiers?
A comprehensive answer is simple: U.S. imperialists want to
minimize the war to assuage the American people�s fear of a protracted Iraqi
military nightmare. Another objective is to wrap the attacks with religious
innuendos borrowed from Israeli Zionism, implying that U.S. forces are fighting
Muslim fanatics who just like to kill themselves �so they can go to heaven.� In
fact, by calling an attacker, a �suicide-bomber,� the U.S. depicts that
particular fighter as if he were some sort of disgruntled employee who, after
killing a score of people, commits suicide.
But the Iraqi fighter in Mosul did not kill U.S. soldiers
and then end his life! He deliberately carried out a planned attack against a
military target (U.S. occupying forces) knowing that he would die instantly in
the process.
Maybe Cheney can bulldoze all the buildings in Iraq, but he
cannot bulldoze the truth about war.
Next: Part 26: Dick Cheney, numbers and the metaphysics of
J. Sabri is an Iraqi-American anti-war activist. Email:
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