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Special Reports Last Updated: Sep 30th, 2009 - 00:34:09

Bilderbergers want global currency now
By James P. Tucker, Jr.
AFP correspondent

Sep 30, 2009, 00:14

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Bilderberg has had front men call anew for creating a global currency and establishing major European Union-style regions for the administrative convenience of a planned world government. Both steps were taken in September, one by the new Bilderberg-crowned prime minister of Japan and one separately by the UN.

The Geneva-based UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) called for a global currency in a report made public on September 7. UN countries should agree on a global reserve bank to issue the currency and to monitor the national exchange rates of its members, UNCTAD said. The dollar�s role in international trade should be reduced to protect emerging markets from the �confidence game� of financial speculation, it said.

Heiner Flassbeck, a former German deputy finance minister, is co-author of the report calling for a global currency. He worked with then U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers in 1997-98 to contain the Asian financial crisis. Summers is a longtime Bilderberg luminary and has been photographed by AFP at annual secret Bilderberg confabs.

Eliminating national currencies has long been a goal of Bilderberg as a crucial step in its plan to establish a world government. A nation�s currency is a symbol of sovereignty, so Bilderberg wants to divide the world into three giant regions, each with its regional currency, for the administrative convenience of its world government bureaucrats.

Bilderberg used its immense power to get Yukio Hatoyama�s Democratic Party of Japan elected over the Liberal Democratic Party, which had led the nation for 64 years. Hatoyama obediently called for an Asian economic bloc, similar to the EU, complete with a regional currency.

Bilderberg�s goal is an �Asian-Pacific Union� and an �American Union,� both modeled after the EU. The EU has its common currency, the euro, and a European Parliament that can impose laws on the once sovereign nations of Europe and a European Court superior to the highest courts of member states. The EU is effectively a single super-state.

The �American Union� is to evolve from the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, as it extends throughout the Western Hemisphere. The common currency is to be the �amero.� Fortunately, Bilderberg�s efforts in the Western Hemisphere have been stalled but the campaign continues using �free trade� propaganda.

Ultimately, the UN is to function as a world government with the General Assembly serving as a world parliament. Bilderberg, a secret organization of international financiers and political leaders, will serve as a world shadow government that dictates to the UN.

AFP correspondent James P. Tucker Jr. is a veteran journalist who spent many years as a member of the �elite� media in Washington. Tucker is the author of Jim Tucker�s Bilderberg Diary. This article originally appeared in

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