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Oh my! Falwell magazine warns that Lilith Fair celebrates "demonic legend"


WASHINGTON, DC., June 16�First he's troubled by a cute little teletubby. Now it's independent women musicians.

The June issue of TV minister Jerry Falwell's National Liberty Journal contains an article headlined, "Secrets of the Lilith Fair" that warns parents about the so-called demonic legend behind the popular Lilith Fair concert series.

Lilith Fair, featuring some of the nation's best women musicians, was launched by singer Sarah McLachlan in 1997. It spanned 37 cities that summer and was the top-grossing festival that year, according to Pollstar, a concert trade magazine. "[Lilith] was a great example of strong women out there doing something they love, doing something really positive," recalls McLachlan.

Positive? Not according to Falwell's National Liberty Journal. "With the Lilith Fair concerts drawing such media attention in its third year, National Liberty Journal is presenting this article as an information tool to parents who may not wish their children to participate in a music festival that celebrates a pagan figure," the magazine warned darkly. "Many young people no doubt attend the Lilith Fair concerts not knowing the demonic legend of the mystical woman whose name the series manifests."

Lilith is a figure from ancient Hebrew mythology who takes on a variety of forms. According to various mythologies, she has been called Adam's first wife, a fiery, female spirit and a wild-haired, winged seductress who tempts men in their sleep. Some see her as the first feminist because of her independent ways.

Carole Shields, president of the People For the American Way Foundation, reacted to the National Liberty Journal article by offering to purchase Rev. Falwell a ticket to the popular concert series. "But he'll have to come to Washington, because I don't think the tour is going through Lynchburg," Shields said.

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