Saturday, November 29, 2003

Did Bush serve turkey and all the trimmings for breakfast or dinner in Baghdad? 

Did the Bushies snooker the American people again by leading them to believe that George W. was serving up turkey to the troops in Baghdad in a time period one would normally eat Thanksgiving dinner? Or were the troops rousted from their beds, as Wayne Madsen reports in Wag the Turkey, to serve as pawns in the greatest P.R. stunt since Bush landed on the deck of the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln beneath a banner that declared, "Mission Accomplished?"

In a story datedlined Baghdad, Nov. 27, which appeared in the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times and The Telegraph of Calcutta, India, Post reporter Mike Allen wrote that Bush landed in Iraq's capital at approximately 5:20 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day. Yet, in today's International Herald Tribune, New York Times reporters Jacques Steinberg and Jim Rutenberg wrote, "By 9:35 a.m. Eastern Standard time the following day [Thanksgiving Day], the journalists, including writers from The Associated Press, Bloomberg News and Reuters, as well as a camera crew from Fox News, would touch down with the president in Iraq." That would have made it 5:35 p.m. in Baghdad.

So which was it? Were the troops forced to down a turkey dinner for breakfast in order to provide Bush with another bloody photo-op at taxpayer expense or did Allen get the time wrong in his article? After all what is 12 hours one way or another, eh?

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