Newt Gingrich Says President Obama is "Spectator in Chief"
David Hope
Mar 18, 2011, 11:53

Newt Gingrich has taken time away from mulling his presidential run to take shots at President Obama. Gingrich fired at Obama, calling him a "spectator in chief" while accusing him of being passive in the face of crises in Japan and Libya.

Gingrich, considering a run for the presidency in 2012, joined other Republicans in criticizing the president, accusing him of sitting back too much in his response to major crisis situations, The Hill reported Wednesday.

"Well, I think what is increasingly clear is that we have a spectator in chief instead of a commander in chief," Gingrich said on Fox News.

"It is maybe the most passive and out-of-touch presidency in modern American history," he said, accusing the president of "avoiding his job right now."

Obama should be more active in his response to the political upheaval in Libya and the looming nuclear crisis in Japan, Gingrich said.

Other Republicans joined in with criticism of Obama's performance.

The National Republican Congressional Committee accused Obama of being "all talk, no action" when it comes to cutting spending.

"Actions speak louder than words," House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said.

"The question is not only what is the president saying, but what is he doing?" Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said of Obama's energy policies earlier this week.

What do you think?
Is Newt Gingrich using these comments to divert attention away from recent discussion on his affair?

Source: UPI

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