Police Misconduct Review Finds Racial Profiling in Wake of Katrina
David Hope
Mar 17, 2011, 14:23

Police misconduct resulted in the city of New Orleans in the wake of 2005's Hurricane Katrina. The catastrophe destroyed the city, but the abuse of power displayed by law enforcement is unacceptable. On Thursday, the U.S. Justice Department called it �unconstitutional conduct,� in a formal review.

Citing leadership issues throughout the entire police department, Deputy Attorney General James Cole said, �Poor policies, non-existent training and inadequate leadership led to these systemic problems.�

The U.S. Justice Department review lasted for ten months and was requested by Mayor Mitch Landrieu.

Specific claims against the police department include racial profiling, discrimination against gay and lesbian citizens and a lack of follow-up on sensitive situations including sexual and domestic assault claims.

In 2005, media outlets highlighted some of the most controversial events involving questionable police behaviors. One such event was the shooting of six citizens who were on the Danziger Bridge avoiding the flood waters beneath them.

As part of the misconduct review, five New Orleans police department workers have pleaded guilty to criminal charges.

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