Tennessee Capitol Protesters Arrested
David Hope
Mar 16, 2011, 12:16

Tennessee State Capitol protesters were arrested on Wednesday following a union rally, police said. The protesters were forcibly removed from a legislative committee room Tuesday after a rally outside the building against a bill that would revoke the ability of the state's teachers union to negotiate contracts with local districts, and against other proposals targeting unions, The Tennessean reported.

The seven were charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest, said Col. Tracy Trott, head of the Tennessee Highway Patrol, which handles security at the Capitol.

Supporters identified the people arrested as six members of the University of Memphis' Progressive Student Alliance and a member of Chattanooga Organized for Action, the Nashville newspaper said.

Ten days ago, a march drew thousands to the Capitol.

"It shows the legislators -- it shows the public -- that we're here and we're not going to go away," said Jerry Lee, state president for the AFL-CIO and an organizer of the event.

Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey said the Legislature "will not be intimidated by nomadic bands of professional agitators on spring break bent on disruption. We talk through our differences here. Tennessee is not Wisconsin."

Source: UPI

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