Buyer beware: Climate change and the Ventura case study
By Nikki Alexander
Journal Guest Writer
Nov 12, 2009, 00:24
A seemingly wholesome local event recently led to some
disturbing discoveries about a global GHG matrix that will affect people everywhere
in all countries.
Students from The Bren School of Environmental Science and
Management (University of California Santa Barbara) gave a presentation to
city planners and citizens on their �Ventura Case Study.� Bren is working on
this project for their client, AECOM, to calculate Ventura�s baseline
greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in preparation for compliance with federal and
state regulations.
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has been leading the charge
for state regulations while Senator Barbara Boxer is sponsoring federal climate
change legislation. AECOM states in its proposal that
California is a prime target for compulsory GHG reduction strategies because it
has shown a willingness to conform, whereas some other states are rebelling.
The Bren School was endowed by and named after Donald Bren,
whose Irvine Company developed suburban communities on 94,000 acres,
encompassing one fifth of Orange
County. Forbes, in its
2008 edition of The 400 Richest Americans,
ranked Bren as the wealthiest real estate developer in the US with an estimated
net worth of $12 billion. He does not build eco villages and strawbale
The Bren
School website asserts the
�need for a new kind of solution-oriented environmental professional with
combined expertise in the political, economic, and social dimensions of
environmental decision-making.� At least two of the rotating deans that control
the curriculum are examples of this new �environmental� professional.
Dennis Aigner, dean from 2000-2005, specializes in
litigation involving contract disputes, regulation of public utilities,
government contracting, health care, insurance, banking and defense. His stated research interests include
corporate environmental management, US competitiveness in global
markets, foreign investment, state and local economic issues, and workers�
compensation. As chair of the California Workers� Compensation Rate Study
Commission, Aigner recommended deregulating the marketplace for workers�
compensation insurance.
Ernst von Weizs�cker, dean from 2005-2008, is a member of
the Club of Rome, a group of global planners that annually release Armageddon
scenarios based on predictions of overpopulation and famine. In their 1991 book,
entitled The First Global Revolution,
they state, �In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea
that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the
like would fit the bill.� (p.115) He also served on the World Commission on the
Social Dimensions of Globalization and was a member of the Bundestag, the
federal parliament of Germany.
The relationship between AECOM and the Bren School of
Environmental Science and Management is a closed loop. AECOM�s 2008 �Global
Thought Leadership� annual report
states: �We become an integrated part of our clients� organizations . . . partner
with technical academies and community schools.�
The Ventura Case study was initiated by three AECOM
employees that are Bren graduates. The students are not allowed to
interact with community residents and are restricted to working ONLY with
policy-makers. That�s a Bren rule. One of the student presenters reported that
collecting this data would be nearly impossible without help from someone
inside the city government. The policy-maker within the City of Ventura Environmental Services that is feeding Ventura�s GHG data to the
students is a Bren graduate.
With annual revenue of $6 Billion, AECOM is a multinational
corporation with offices in 100 countries. Their 2008 Annual Report proudly
announces that AECOM �helped Iraq join
the World Trade Organization� and �helped bring Central
Asia back into the world economy.� They provide mercenary
soldiers in �conflict� areas and build infrastructure projects, much like
Halliburton and KBR. Their contracts are largely taxpayer funded. AECOM�s
annual report states that it is well positioned to receive lucrative government
contracts: �In response to the financial crisis, governments around the
world are considering stimulus packages valued at more than $1 to $2 trillion.�
Impending climate change mitigation regulations will be forcing states to �deliver
new transportation systems, facilities, buildings and utility networks, a $5+
trillion a year industry.�
Will this taxpayer money be well spent by AECOM? Bloomberg reported
that �a new Defense Department audit said AECOM billed the US Army $19 dollars
apiece for 12-cent washers on one of the largest contracts in Iraq for training Iraqi security
forces on depot maintenance. The Army paid $19,527 for $122 worth of washers.�
An extensive list of architecture and engineering firms have
been swallowed up by AECOM�s �targeted acquisition� strategy to buy out the
green competition and monopolize what they describe as a guaranteed �contract
pipeline� from the Department of Homeland Security and Department of Defense,
as well as federal stimulus funds and state taxpayer bonds. They are also
working with FEMA �in their quest to create integrated water systems.
Worldwide, we are actively involved in the supply, treatment, distribution and
collection of water.� Their proposal states that Ventura was selected, among other reasons,
for its potential to deliver energy from the ocean and hillsides.
Using Ventura as a case
study, in tandem with a town in China, the Bren/Aecom
project aims to standardize a software matrix that will quantify GHG
emissions and the �political and economic feasibility� of reduction strategies.
This protocol will also be used to quantify an entity�s standing in the
emerging cap and trade carbon exchange market. �Emissions sources may not be
well understood by those who are subject to GHG regulations or wish to
participate in carbon trading markets.�
The cap and trade market will operate through the Chicago
Climate Exchange, set up by Goldman Sachs and Al Gore�s company, Generation
Investment Management, which is also staffed by Goldman Sachs
executives. GIM and Goldman Sachs each have a 10 percent stake in the
Chicago Climate Exchange which in turn has a 50 percent stake in the European
Climate Exchange. Trading carbon credits is projected to become the new
multi-trillion dollar commodity bubble.
Everyone -- businesses, towns, universities, farmers -- will
be required to buy GHG permits -- a global tax on energy use. Those who exceed
the �cap� on GHG emissions will pay a fine or �offset� their pollution by
buying carbon �credits� from entities that don�t exceed the cap. Al Gore
is an example of how this cap and trade casino will work. His Nashville mansion consumes more than twice
the electricity in one month than an average American family uses in an entire
year, about
$1,359, or more than 20 times the national average. Rather than reduce his
personal carbon footprint, Gore �offsets� his mansion�s GHG emissions by
purchasing credits on the CCX in which he owns a 10 percent stake.
If mortgage-backed securities appeared to be the ultimate
Ponzi scheme, just ponder the scale of this gambling casino when everything on
earth is entered into the global GHG database and converted to carbon default
swaps, carbon-backed securities and collateralized GHG obligations. As global
energy rationing requires incremental GHG reductions, credits will become
increasingly scarce and therefore more lucrative. Those who can afford to keep
playing the game will be the ultimate winners. The primary derivatives traders
that recently paralyzed the credit markets and collapsed the global banking
system have already positioned themselves on the Chicago Climate Exchange to
cash in on the carbon commodity bubble -- Bank of America, Citigroup, the
Rockefeller cartel and, of course, Goldman Sachs.
The major corporate polluters and destroyers of ecosystems
have bought up the patents and technologies invented by green entrepreneurs and
purchased the competition through acquisitions and mergers in order to corner
the market in climate change mitigation -- an industry projected to exceed $5
trillion, not counting the cap and trade casino. As global unemployment rises
in this �jobless recovery,� taxpayer-funded state bonds and federal contracts
will be awarded to corporate contractors to capture and reroute water,
reconfigure energy grids and transform land use to comply with GHG regulations.
At the residential level, homeowners will be subject to
federal code enforcement policies that supersede state and local codes; workers
will be required to reduce their vehicle miles traveled and cities will be
required by law to reduce their overall energy consumption, potentially
supplying water and electricity to far away towns through interconnected energy
grids too big to fail. At the global level, nations will be required to alter
their agriculture, domestic industries, imports and exports to comply with
global GHG rationing, essentially surrendering political control of food, water
and energy to external global authorities.
All of this social engineering is grounded in the premise
that GHG emissions are a global threat that warrants supranational regulations.
Some scientists attribute global warming to solar activity, some to cyclical
electromagnetic polar shifts and others cite data demonstrating that the oceans
and atmosphere have recently been cooling.
Regardless of which theories are correct, the political exploitation of the GHG
paradigm has shifted the responsibility for environmental destruction (for
which we have hard evidence) from major corporate polluters to society at
large, placing the cost of remediation on victims and innocent
There are good reasons to live sustainably, regardless of
climate change theories. The violent extraction of �natural resources� by
profit-seeking corporations has destroyed or poisoned virtually all of the
earth�s living systems, impoverished the global south and driven whole species
into extinction. What matters is that we repair the damage, reforest the earth
and decontaminate the air, soil and water.
To keep things in perspective, switching to fluorescent
light bulbs will accomplish far less than prohibiting coal mining corporations
from blowing up mountain tops in Appalachia and burying the surrounding areas
in toxic sludge; or reigning in Pentagon GHG emissions from chemtrails, star
wars missiles and predator drones, not to mention the huge volumes of energy
squandered every time the Pentagon invades and destroys a country. How much oil
does the US
military burn up and what is the net damage to the atmosphere? What is the
federal strategy for reversing depleted uranium contamination?
What regulations are being proposed to hold the World Bank
accountable for massive water dislocations and environmental destruction? Why
is Monsanto allowed to contaminate our food supply with GMOs and mutate the
earth�s natural seeds on every continent? Corporate agribusiness, a
life-threatening polluter, received total exemption from all GHG regulations in
the Waxman-Markey climate change bill, demonstrating that financial interests
trump social responsibility.
Has the federal government lifted its ban on California�s fuel
efficiency standards or demanded that General Motors put its electric car back
into production with the 25 billion dollars it just received from taxpayers?
That would be more effective than allowing GM, one of the leading polluters, to
crank out SUVs and hire The
Nature Conservancy�s Green Police to protect their carbon credits by
driving indigenous Brazilians off their ancestral lands. The natives who live
there sustainably are being arrested,
evicted and forced into starvation by GM, Chevron and American Electric Power
-- corporations that own neither the Brazilian forest nor the land. They �own�
the carbon credits the trees represent. In the US, private ownership of
imaginary carbon credits in national and state parks will result in park
closures to protect carbon �trades� while doing nothing to repair the damage
caused by corporate clear-cutters and so-called �developers.� Genuine
remediation policies would require polluters and developers to plant new
forests using their own profits.
If environmental destruction by the most glaring offenders
is not the primary target of remediation, the stated goal of this GHG dragnet
is disingenuous. Corporate destruction of the planet will not be repaired by
trading imaginary carbon credits, depriving indigenous populations of access to
food, privatization of energy grids or by imposing global energy restrictions
and taxes on the financial underclass. Taxpayer-financed federal stimulus funds
and state bonds would be better spent on localizing sustainable agriculture,
reforestation, repairing ecosystems, securing clean water for all the earth�s
species and developing free energy.
not too late to insist on appropriate remedies -- until the Senate approves the
final climate change bill. Your
representative needs to hear from you now.
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