An American awakening
By Mary Shaw
Online Journal Contributing Writer
Nov 6, 2008, 00:17
History has just been made. The people of the United States
of America have elected our first African-American president.
But that is not the only historical factor at play here.
Barack Obama�s overwhelming victory over John McCain is a sign that America has
finally awoken from its fear-induced coma. America has searched its soul. And
America has recovered its conscience.
The American people have had enough of the politics of fear.
The American people have had enough of the partisan finger pointing.
The American people have had enough of the Karl Rove-style
of dirty campaign smear tactics.
The American people have had enough of the lies.
The American people have had enough of the �maverick�
The American people have had enough of Sarah Palin.
The American people have had enough of the cowboy-style
foreign policy and drunken-sailor spending habits that have turned this country
from a glowing land of opportunity into a rogue nation with a huge pile of
The American people have had enough of being held hostage to
the oil companies.
The American people have had enough of paying taxes that
will be spent to fund unnecessary wars, never-necessary torture, and
warrantless wiretapping instead of on health care, education, and renewable
The American people have had enough of the tax breaks for
companies that send our jobs overseas.
The American people have had enough of the tax breaks for
billionaires who can afford to pay their fair share.
The American people have had enough of the government
bailouts of financial institutions that gambled away billions, without
including safeguards to prevent the same from happening again.
The American people have had enough of a neocon-fueled White
House run amok.
And perhaps -- dare I say? -- the American people may have
had enough of knee-jerk racism, mindless bigotry, and senseless intolerance.
The tide is turning.
Let the cleanup begin.
Mary Shaw is a Philadelphia-based writer and
activist, with a focus on politics, human rights, and social justice. She is a
former Philadelphia Area Coordinator for the Nobel-Prize-winning human rights
group Amnesty International, and her views appear regularly in a variety of
newspapers, magazines, and websites. Note that the ideas expressed here are the
author�s own, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Amnesty
International or any other organization with which she may be associated.
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