Viguerie's army attacks Social Security
By Bill Berkowitz
Journal Guest Writer
Apr 12, 2005, 22:48
(WorkingForChange)�In their new book, America's Right Turn:
How The Conservatives Used New And Alternative Media To Take Power, Richard Viguerie�the right wing king
of direct mail�and co-author David Franke describe how the printing press
played a pivotal role in the battle between Lutherans and Catholics in the 16th
century: "The revolution of 1517 did not begin . . . when Martin Luther
posted his controversial 95 theses on the door of the Castle Church in
Wittenberg . . . The revolution came in the weeks following Luther's posting . .
. as his arguments spread across Europe with a rapidity never before seen, and
reached the lay public�beyond the clerical community�that until this point had
been precluded from involvement in theological issues. . . . That was the
revolution, and it was a revolution wrought by the printing press."
Viguerie and Franke
maintain that the Lutheran-Catholic struggle was the "world's first media
war" and one of the "enduring lessons about using the media" is
"how important it is to be first." With more than 2 billion letters
sent out by clients and front groups during his 40-year career, Vigueries has
always believed in striking early and often.
"The American
Revolution" writes author Paul Johnson in A History of the American
People, "was the first event
of its kind in which the media played a salient role�almost a determining
one�from first to last. Americans were a media conscious people. They had a lot
of newspapers and publications, and were getting more every month." With
the availability of cheap printing presses and access to them by
"inflammatory writers . . . there was no . . . possibility of putting down
the media barrage in the courts by successful prosecutions for seditious
Viguerie and Franke
draw a straight line from the "media revolutions" of 1517 and 1776 to
"our modern world of mass communications and ever-faster
communications." Nearly 500 years after Martin Luther's bold proclamation,
and almost 235 years after the American Revolution, USA
Next, an organization founded by Viguerie in 1991 under the name
United Seniors Association, launched its own media campaign in support of
privatizing Social Security. USA Next's new campaign�called "Stop Scaring
Seniors NOW!"�also attacks the AARP (the American Association of
Retired Persons).
USA Next kicked off
the campaign with an outrageous advertisement currently making the rounds on
the Internet and which has appeared on a number of national and local
television news programs. In the ad, USA Next places a soldier next to a gay
couple. The couple's image has a green checkmark on it while the picture of a
US soldier has a red "X" across it. Below the photos is the phrase
"The REAL AARP Agenda." (You can find the advertisement here.)
Recently, USA
Next's chairman and chief executive, Charles W. Jarvis�who once worked for
Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush�and its national chairman, entertainer Art Linkletter,
have appeared on the Fox News Channel several times.
USA Next has a long
history of using "dishonest tactics," and trying to scare the
bejeezus out of America's senior citizens. According to a 1992 New York Times
story, the organization "bombard[ed] the elderly with tens of millions of
solicitations, generating millions of dollars in fees for his [Viguerie's]
private companies."
A new report posted
on the web site of There Is No Crisis
takes a close look at the history and recent activities of USA Next: "In
August 2003, Health and Human Services fined United Seniors over half a million
dollars for deceptive mailing practices, including misleading senior citizens
into believing that United Seniors' solicitations were official government
communications; The GAO determined in 1997 that United Seniors was guilty of
'misinformation' for claiming that senior citizens couldn't contract for
medical treatment outside the Medicare system"; and "United Seniors
has been investigated multiple times by state attorneys general and federal
grand juries for using exaggerations and distortions to extort money from
senior citizens to fund partisan conservative activism."
The United Seniors
Association, now USA Next, was founded as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization
"to assume debt from an earlier, 1990, Viguerie creation, the for-profit
Retired Americans Legislative Lobby, Inc.," the report states. The
organization worked on behalf of Clarence Thomas' appointment to the Supreme
Court and later turned its attention to the economic agenda of President Bill
Clinton. "Before Clinton even introduced his economic plan, United Seniors
mailed out an opposition letter; in March 1993, it mailed out two million copies
of a "special report" that accused Clinton of wanting to raise taxes
on poor seniors."
In an effort to
undermine Clinton' health care plan, the organization "helped create"
the National Coalition Against Rationing Health. Over the course of its campaign,
it sent out "more than 25 million pieces" of mail, and in 1993, it
raised $5.3 million in donations, "only to plow more than $4.2 million
back into fund raising mail," the report states.
During its first
few years United Seniors endorsed 'privatizing' Medicare, worked with the
Republican-controlled House to implement Newt Gingrich's Contract With America,
supported the defunding of the Legal Services Corporation, and tried to
"provide a 'conservative alternative' to the AARP."
In subsequent
years, under the name "A.L.A.R.M."�Americans Lobbying Against
Rationing of Medical Care�United Seniors sent out direct mail packages warning
about "Medicare rationing." After the 1998 elections United Seniors
joined the National Association of Manufacturer's Alliance for Worker
Retirement Security, "to push for privatization of Social Security."
The following year, the group joined in a coalition with PhRMA, Citizens for
Better Medicare. According to the There Is No Crisis report, "This
would start a process where lawyer Curtis Herge would ease United Seniors away
from its Viguerie-inspired direct mail roots and toward big industry
By the time George
W. Bush took office in 2000, United Seniors turned its attention to supporting
Bush's appointments�it "spearhead[ed] a coalition in support of John
Ashcroft's nomination for the Attorney Generalship"�and the president's
tax cut agenda. Charlie Jarvis, who worked on Gary Bauer's failed run for the
presidency, replaced Sandra Butler as new president and CEO of United Seniors.
In the first year of the Bush administration, United Seniors went to bat for
Bush by forming an "Enron front group, the 21st Century Energy Project,
set up by Ed Gillespie to promote President Bush's energy plan," which
included supporting "drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve.
Two years ago,
United Seniors turned its attention toward Social Security. In late 2003,
Jarvis "demand[ed] that Congress address the deepening crisis of Social
Security" and he accused AARP of "dropp[ing] out Social Security
modernization." According to the There Is No Crisis report, the
organization "came out strongly in favor of a plan created by the Institute
for Policy Innovation's Peter Ferrera. They also found time to
attack Virginia Gov. Mark Warner, stock option expensing, John Kerry's 'wishing
away the Social Security crisis,' the movie The Day After Tomorrow, class action suits, the
McCain-Lieberman bill to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and efforts to reduce
mercury exposure. Much of its anti-environmental activism took place under the
coalition name 'United for Jobs.'"
USA Next is
dedicating 2005 to "dynamiting" AARP, hoping to bring 1 million AARP
members into its fold. On Bill O'Reilly's Fox News program, Jarvis said
"there's never been a tax increase [AARP] didn't love, there's never been
a tax cut they didn't hate, and they are definitely against traditional
values." While Jarvis may be willing to spend upwards of $10 million to
attack AARP, by crafting the soldier/gay couple ad, he has been able to garner
valuable face time on television for free. According to There Is No Crisis, USA Next has hired the strategists
responsible for the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth
attacks on John Kerry during last year's presidential campaign, Chris LaCivita,
Rick Reed, a partner at Stevens Reed Curcio & Potholm,
Creative Response Concepts, and Regnery
on the folks that crafted the Swift Boat Veterans attack on John Kerry could
prove to be a plus in terms of their ability to generate buzz and publicity,
but it could also be a negative, as people may be growing tired of their
truth-impaired act. One thing is certain; the production of outrageous ads will
definitely increase their exposure via the mainstream media as well as through
the vast right-wing media network.
"The right
wing is much more powerful across the board in the media than are liberals or
the left, whether we are discussing radio, TV or the internet," John
Stauber, a founder of the Center for Media and Democracy,
wrote in an email. Stauber argued that the right is "more powerful on the
Internet because they operate within the overarching right-wing echo
chamber." While " can reach millions via email, its
campaigns don't echo and reverberate reaching tens of millions through
Limbaugh, Scarborough, O'Reilly, and the editorial pages of the Wall Street
Stauber pointed out
"the brilliant way the right wing used 527 groups in the past
election," as an example of their reach. "The pro-Kerry forces
thought they had the 527 political battlefield to themselves. Then the
Republicans pulled out their checkbooks and hired their PR operatives, who
charged in with just as much money and much nastier and more effective
messages, as demonstrated by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth Internet and TV
campaign which just hammered Kerry in swing states."
In 1517, as
Viguerie and Franke write in their book, Martin Luther had a "secret
weapon," the printing press. By the time of the American Revolution the
printing press was no longer a secret, so the task was "harnessing . . . the
. . . technology on a more massive scale than had ever been attempted
before." The rise of the right "from obscurity to attain[ing] power
in the second half of the twentieth century" had to do with many things,
including a steadfast grassroots, "the communications networks," and
"the conservatives' new media weapon, which also served as their main
source of funding." Through it all, Viguerie and Franke maintain,
"the ruling liberal establishment, which sought first to ignore the
conservatives, then to ridicule them, then to suppress them . . . refus[ed] to
utilize the new media until it was too late."
Bill Berkowitz is a longtime observer of the
conservative movement. His
WorkingForChange column Conservative Watch documents the strategies,
players, institutions, victories and defeats of the American Right.
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