Canada unveils mental health board: Prime Minister Harper�s cure worse than disease
By James Corbett
Online Journal Guest Writer
Sep 6, 2007, 00:45
News report last Friday announced the creation of the Mental Health Commission
of Canada, whose goal will be to �help bring into being an integrated
mental health system that places people living with mental illness at its
centre.� This flowery platitude is counteracted by the website�s admission that
the board seeks to create a �national approach to mental health issues�
including disseminating �evidence based information on all aspects of mental health
and mental illness to governments, stakeholders and the public.�
The term �national approach� and the implied governmental
monopoly on the dissemination of mental health information is doubtless music
to Big Pharma�s ears. Listeners of The
Corbett Report are already familiar with Big Pharma�s cavalier approach to
killing its customers, and how Bayer�s attempt to make money off a drug they knew was infected
with HIV by dumping it in Europe and Asia was not opposed by the FDA, the
national agency in the U.S. charged with protecting citizens against unsafe
drugs . . . but apparently not citizens outside its borders.
Now, the Canadian Mental Health Commission -- with its
aspiration to �destigmatize� mental health problems -- creates a convenient
centralized board for Big Pharma to lobby. A medication recommended by the
board, supported by their centralized �evidence based� database, would
doubtless be prescribed to a higher percentage of the population than would
otherwise be the case, helping
to line the pockets of the pharmaceutical companies . . . not that they
need any more money.
The leap from national mental health board to Big Pharma
drug peddler is not a large one. Senator Michael Kirby -- the man who headed
the government commission which recommended the board in the first place --
told CBC News that his dream is to live in a world �where people accept that
there are physical and mental illnesses and they should be treated alike.� As
wonderful as this sounds, what it really means is that the drug companies which
already dominate the medical industry should be given further control over our
There is good reason to worry about a growing federal push
for the use of drugs to medicate mental illness. It has been known for years
that the Prozac family
of drugs, known as SSRIs, can cause suicidal tendencies in those taking
them, but more and more evidence is coming to light that suggests these drugs
are responsible for homicidal tendencies as well. A Prison
Planet article from April points out that the common thread between
Virginia Tech gunman Seung-Hui Cho, Columbine shooters Eric Harris and Dylan
Klebold, the Unabomber, John Hinckley, Jr., Mark David Chapman, Charles Carl
Roberts IV and other notorious murderers is that they were all on
an SSRI at the time of their crimes. A recent WorldNetDaily
article details further instances of SSRI-linked homicide and locates the
problem in a growing trend in the mental health field to reduce mental
disorders to biochemical imbalances which can be corrected with medications. In
other words, the push to �destigmatize� mental illness by reducing it to a
biochemical problem is aiding the sale and production of these SSRI drugs. As Fortune
Magazine pointed out in 2005, SSRI drugs had already ballooned to an $11
billion a year worldwide industry by 2004.
One would hope that the newly-appointed commission would at
least address the rampant overprescribing of antipsychotics for seniors that
take place in government-regulated
nursing homes, but on the most vital front in this battle -- the protection
of children from the pharmaceutical companies� grasp -- the commission looks
like it�s been set up to fail. The committee report, which spawned the board
itself, notes in section 6.2.2, �The
School-Age Years,� that enforced mental health screenings for children were
rejected by the committee not because they represent an attempt to impose a
fascist nanny state on the public, but because of legal roadblocks and lack of
resources for setting up such a system. Worryingly, however, the report
concludes that it will be best to commence the �destigmatization� of mental
illness with school children because it is �relatively simple� to brainwash
youth and �when resources are scarce, it is best to target information at those
who are most receptive to it.� And so begins the slippery slope to a UK-style
nanny state where 4-year olds are forced to take �happiness
tests� to identify early onset of mental illness and social
workers will even target unborn babies who have the misfortune of being
deemed likely to engage in antisocial behaviour by the government (presumably
after they are born).
The national health board looks to be good business for Big
Pharma and a convenient control system for a federal government looking to
expand its powers into what is admittedly provincial jurisdiction. The average
citizen, however, should be wary of this new institution. Citizens can share
their concerns by emailing the commission through their website.
Corbett produces The Corbett Report,
a weekly half-hour news and information podcast available free for download.
The Corbett Report also provides interviews and articles about breaking news
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