Mad dog on a leash
By Sheila Samples
Online Journal Contributing Writer
Aug 16, 2006, 01:09
"We should prepare to go on the offensive. Our aim
is to smash Lebanon, Trans-Jordan, and Syria. The weak point is Lebanon, for
the Moslem regime is artificial and easy for us to undermine. We shall
establish a Christian state there, and then we will smash the Arab Legion,
eliminate Trans-Jordan; Syria will fall to us. We then bomb and move on and
take Port Said, Alexandria and Sinai." --David Ben-Gurion, May 1948
I have been stunned by many things on the US political scene
since I was jerked violently awake on Nov. 22, 1963. However, one thing that
simply flew under the cuckoo's nest of my awareness was the total influence on
our Congress; the control of our media, our courts, our universities, our
entire society -- even our religion -- by the state of Israel. I had no idea.
I've learned a lot about both Israel and the United States
in the last five years -- most of which I fervently wish I didn't know. I
learned very quickly in the wake of 9-11 that the neoconservatives in the US
claim an ideological right -- the Zionists in Israel a theological right -- to
do whatever they want to whomever they want whenever they want, and those who
question their increasingly bloody aggression are labeled
"anti-American" or "anti-Semitic." Those who protest are
ostracized from both religious and patriotic society (not to be confused with
"civilized" society) and are immediately bombarded with ridicule and
vicious ad hominems. Some receive death threats. Some receive death.
I learned that there is a vast difference between Jews, or
people of Israel, and the warmongering Zionists who control the state of
Israel, just as there is between most American citizens and the cowardly
neo-fascist chicken hawks who control the United States. The people of both
regimes cry out against the barbaric genocide and ethnic cleansing perpetrated
in their name -- they shriek, they march in protest, but the world media pushed
the "mute" button long ago, and no sound emerges from the weeping
As these two "democracies" force their way across
the Middle East, it's as if Charles Manson is stalking the innocent with a mad
dog on a leash. Neither can be reasoned with, and no living creature in their
path is safe. But it is easy to tell where they've been, because the landscape
is littered with rotting corpses of innocent men, women and children, with mass
graves and displaced millions fleeing for their lives.
From the Frying Pan
. . .
The current conflict raging in the Middle East has less to
do with self-defense or protecting the homeland than with Zionist politics, Christo-fascist
talking points and corporate media spin. It is a war of extermination
-- a carefully planned crusade for world dominion, and it has been simmering on
US and Israeli back burners for decades.
Every writer addressing this subject since George Bush was
fraudently installed in the White House has pleaded with Americans to pay
attention to the plan, Rebuilding
America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century,
penned by Dick Cheney while he was defense secretary, by Donald Rumsfeld,
Scooter Libby, Paul Wolfowitz and Jeb Bush, which calls for seizing the world's
resources and establishing permanent military bases throughout the Middle East.
That plan was immediately put in place and is being relentlessly carried out.
Ninety pages too formidable? Okay, try the September 2002 National Security Strategy of the United
States of America, whose 35 pages puts in place a barbaric
preemptive war policy that destroys 230 years of honor, dignity, decency -- and
democracy. This manifesto was also written by Cheney and Wolfowitz, and is a
direct result of behind-the-scenes input from then Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs, Colin Powell.
In his article, Dick Cheney's Song
of America, David Armstrong writes, "In early 1992, as
Powell and Cheney campaigned to win congressional support for their augmented
Base Force plan, a new logic entered into their appeals. The United States,
Powell told members of the House Armed Services Committee, required 'sufficient
power' to 'deter any challenger from ever dreaming of challenging us on the
world stage.' To emphasize the point, he (Powell) cast the United States in the
role of street thug. 'I want to be the bully on the block,' he said, implanting
in the mind of potential opponents that 'there is no future in trying to
challenge the armed forces of the United States.'"
Armstrong's article is 11 easy-to-read, eye-opening pages
and was entered into the Congressional Record by Rep. John Larson (D-CT) in
Oct. 10, 2002 -- one month after Cheney's National Security Strategy was
If you're wondering what these homework assignments have to
do with what's going on in Lebanon, Israel and Gaza today, take a look at A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing
the Realm, a document written in 1996 by neoconservatives
Douglas Feith, Richard Perle and David Wurmser, among others, for incoming
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. No more Mr. Good Guy when dealing
with the Palestinians, "A Clean Break" calls for a hot pursuit policy
-- in effect, a familiar smoke 'em out, get 'em on the run and chase 'em clean
out of the realm. Those who choose to stay and fight for their land will die.
It's their choice.
Although the Likudnik game plan, was written by American
Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) power-mad neocons, who fantasized that
Israel could seize the "strategic initiative along its northern borders by
engaging Hizballah, Syria, and Iran, as the principal
agents of aggression in Lebanon," and suggested that after these wars,
which would all be successful, of course -- Israel could reshape "the
strategic balance in the Middle East" by attacking Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
"Clean Break" is a mere six pages, and is a Zionist's wet dream . . .
Into The Fire . . .
They can't stop now. They wouldn't, even if they could. The
neocons' thirst for blood has reached unquenchable proportions. No one has
worked more feverishly for total Middle East war than the Weekly Standard's
ghoulishly grinning editor, Bill Kristol, who wrote in his July 24 piece,
"It's Our War," that Hezbollah is intent on wiping Israel off the map
for Iran, and now is the time to strike Iran's nuclear facilities.
"Why wait?" Kristol asked. "Does anyone think
a nuclear Iran can be contained? That the current regime will negotiate in good
faith? It would be easier to act sooner rather than later. Yes, there would be
repercussions -- and they would be healthy ones, showing a strong America that
has rejected further appeasement."
Then there's Dick Cheney, the madman who pulls the levers,
who is chillingly indifferent to suffering and -- being bloodless himself --
doesn't see what all the fuss is about. Cheney's plans go beyond just
controlling the world's resources; he knows he won't be here much longer, so
he's desperate to seize all the riches, if you will, and take them with him. In
this administration, Cheney is the "go to" guy for arrogant, barbaric
According to journalist Seymour Hersh, whose article, Watching Lebanon,
published in the Aug. 21 issue of the New Yorker, Israeli officials came to
Washington earlier this summer "to get a green light for the bombing
operation and to find out how much the United States would bear."
Hersh writes that "Israel began with Cheney. It wanted
to be sure that it had his support and the support of his office and the Middle
East desk of the National Security Council." After getting Cheney's
blessing, Hersh said he was told, "persuading Bush was never a problem,
and Condi Rice was on board."
And evangelical Zionists, such as Pat Robertson, who are
lusting for Armageddon, at last see an opportunity to rid the Holy Land of the
Palestinians. Only after a crusade wherein the entire Middle East explodes in a
tsunami of blood will Robertson be swept up in glory, leaving the rest of us
below to choke to death on depleted uranium dust and to drown in the blood of
the innocent.
Those of you who don't know Robertson are, well, damn lucky.
Robertson makes Charles Manson look like a pussy cat. As far back as 1985,
Robertson told his brain-dead followers that God wants all Palestinians
exterminated. "God told the Israelites to kill them all -- men, women and
children -- to destroy them," Robertson said.
What are we to think of that? Robertson, God's most vocal
confidant, says Palestinians are an abomination -- a contagion for which there
is no cure and whose only function is to "cause trouble for the
Israelites, and pull the Israelites away from God, and prevent the truth of God
from reaching the Earth." He explained it was "more merciful" to
kill Palestinians sooner rather than later because if they continue to
reproduce, Israel will be burdened with having more to kill in the future.
According to Robertson, the only way to look at such mass extinction is,
"God, in love, took away a small number so that He might not have to take
away a large number."
Last, but not least, we have Israel's militant leaders --
and America's Decider, George Bush. The Zionists are very good at what they do,
whether blowing things apart with US bombs and missiles or crushing everything
in their path with US bulldozers. But don't take my word for it. In his book,
"You Gentiles," Maurice Samuels (p.155) wrote, "We Jews, we are
the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our
demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our
One has only to stumble through the ruins of Sabra,
Shatilla, Jenin, Gaza and Qana -- to recall the torture, assassinations,
collective punishment of civilians, destruction of infrastructure, denying
sustenance to those dying of thirst and hunger -- to realize that Israel is the
"cod piece" of the Middle East. The Zionists who control it also make
Charles Manson's mad dog look like a pussy cat.
And, what of George Bush -- what part is he playing in all
of this? It is incomprehensible to believe he is in charge of, even aware of,
anything. In recent weeks, I have watched Bush, the man at the helm of the most
powerful nation on earth, run and hide, blather and bumble his way thorugh
fund-raising speeches, make an ass of himself at the G8 Summit gathering in
Russia, crudely grope another world leader, and refuse to discuss anything more
serious than "slicing the pig."
Two weeks into the Lebanon crisis -- wherein
"Condi," as Bush crudely calls this nation's Secretary of State,
lurched around the Middle East and was twice sent home empty-handed t -- he was
finally backed into a corner and asked about the bombs dropping on Lebanon and
the Hezbollah rockets raining down on Israel. Bush responded inanely that
Israel was merely exercising its right to defend itself," before launching
into his familiar, Texas-style "Remember the 9-11 Alamo . . ."
Are We Done Yet?
These widely different factions have divergent goals but
they need each other to achieve them, and their eyes are riveted on a single
prize -- Iran. This oil-rich nation must be brought to its knees before the
neocons can have their New World Order, before Cheney can control the world's
resources, before Israel can have its final solution in the Holy Land, before
Bush can spread freedom and democracy and death, and rid the world of yet
another safe haven for plotters and planners and evil terrorists. . . . Iran is
all that is standing between true believers and their ascension into Heaven.
The same people who lied us into the Iraq war are telling the same lies about
Iran -- the WMD are now nuclear bombs, and no UN resolution, no US Congress, no
US media will stop the madness.
They will have their war, knowing full well that an assault
on a nation fully capable of retaliation will sign the death warrants of
millions of innocents, as well as of every US service member on the ground in
the Middle East. Unfortunately, such losses carry little weight with all but a
handful of the members of the US Congress and the majority of the American
people who blindly support Zionist Israel and who advocate ethnic cleansing as
a final solution to the problems of the Middle East.
Edward Said, the late Palestinian-American theorist, wrote
one month before the Iraq invasion, "We cannot in any way lend our silence
to a policy of war that the White House has openly announced will include three
to five hundred cruise missiles a day (800 of them during the first 48 hours of
the war) raining down on the civilian population of Baghdad in order to produce
"Shock and Awe", or even a human cataclysm that will produce . . . a
Hiroshima-style effect on the Iraqi people . . . What sort of God would want
this to be a formulated and announced policy for His people? And what sort of
God would claim that this was going to bring democracy and freedom to the
people not only of Iraq but to the rest of the Middle East?"
Said pleaded with the American people to speak out before
it's too late. "Who knows what more evil will be done in the name of
Good?" Said asked. "Every one of us must raise our voices, and march in protest, now
and again and again. We need creative thinking and bold action to
stave off the nightmares planned by a docile, professionalised staff in places
like Washington and Tel Aviv and Baghdad. For if what they have in mind is what
they call "greater security," then words have no meaning at all in
the ordinary sense . . . The question is, how long can they keep getting away
with it?"
How long, indeed. Look around. They have come for the
others. Only we the people remain, and most of us are blind to our shame,
our national disgrace. If we do not raise our voices now and again and again,
we will be done. Then, God help us, we will realize -- too late -- that we are
all Charles Mansons now.
� 2006 Sheila
Samples is an Oklahoma writer and a former civilian US Army Public Information
Officer. She is a regular contributor for a variety of Internet sites. Contact
her at:
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